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Serving Clients in Middle Tennessee

Residential Real Estate

Expert Help With Property Title Transactions

Real estate transactions can be a difficult process for all parties involved, so it helps to have fully trained and experienced title experts to help you. Landmark Title has in-depth expertise in all aspects of title transactions, and we will gladly provide our services to ensure a smooth and straightforward closing process on real estate. Clients in Middle Tennessee rely on us because our team’s knowledge and hard work ensure residential and commercial property deals minimize complications. We stay on top of phone calls and emails with clients purchasing and selling real estate to keep everyone up to date on the transaction.

Women showing office premises to a business man

Residential Real Estate Professionals

Whether you are purchasing or selling a property in the area, Landmark Title specializes in getting you the best results on title transactions. We have ample experience helping clients with their residential real estate deals. Our team makes the closing experience as convenient and amicable as possible by keeping the real estate agents, buyer, seller, and lender fully informed throughout the process. If you need professional help with contract or lease preparation, we have proficiency in both these documents with clear and concise language to prevent issues and ensure all parties fully understand all applicable terms of an agreement. Our priority is to provide clients with the best possible closing experience.

Help With Title Insurance & Mobile Closings

Title insurance is also known as an Owner’s Policy and covers the amount of money involved in a real estate purchase. If you own a property and are in the process of selling it, you will typically purchase title insurance one time when you close on a transaction. This insurance is valid for as long as you or your heirs retain an interest in the purchased real estate. We offer this service to protect your interests if a problem arises with the title. Our mobile closing service lets you close on a real estate transaction remotely. This option offers buyers and sellers safety and convenience during the process while ensuring all paperwork and details are completed.

Portrait of Mark Kent

Mark L. Kent, Esq.

Mark is a native of middle Tennessee and is the principal of Landmark Title and the Law Office of Mark L. Kent, Esq. Mark is a graduate of The University of Tennessee, Haslam School of Business with a finance degree and a graduate of the Nashville School of Law. Prior to law school Mark worked in the private sector for CNA Insurance and HCA Healthcare. Mark has been in private practice since 2008. His practice focuses on the following areas of law: real estate, probate, wills and criminal defense.

Commercial full mirror wall office building

Serving Clients in Middle Tennessee

Landmark Title proudly serves clients with property transactions around Middle Tennessee, making real estate closings easier for buyers and sellers. Let our talented and friendly team provide exceptional service to ensure your residential or commercial sale or purchase is successful.